Hard Coat

A lens coating that protects the lens surface from scratches (Anti-scratch Coating ).
  • 95% Scratch resistant lenses Tough silica coat enhances the scratch resistance property thus preventing it from getting minor scratches.
Durability of Lenses-double the life of uncoat Lenses
  • Anti scratch coating acts as a protective layer thus making the lens more durable as compared to an uncoat lens.
Both Side dip computerized coated lenses for longer life.
  • Coating thickness is precisely controlled by fully automized machine thus giving lens optimum scratch resistant property.
Duron coat comes with 6 months Guarantee, Robusta coat with 1 year Guarantee
  • Anti Scratch coating is not 100% scratch proof but company offer Guarantee against lens developing minor scratches with usage.
Big optical outlets don’t use UNCOAT lenses because of poor performance
  • Worldwide Coated lenses are more prefered then uncoat lenses due to its improved cosmetics look & high durability.